As I was enjoying a short break with my loved ones, I had an amazing surprise and received an email from the Brainz Magazine team letting me know that I am on the Brainz Crea Global Award List of 2023 
The Brainz CREA Global Awards is a prestigious list of top entrepreneurs, influential leaders, and innovators who have been recognized for their innovative ideas, resourcefulness, or their accomplishments in the areas of sustainability and mental health. 
Thanks again so much for your trust and support Brainz Magazine. You are an organization of outstanding human beings! 
This morning just before receiving this email, was talking to a friend about how the Universe shows us when we are on the right path as well as when we need to take a detour or change something. 
Life is a gift and offers endless possibilities. Follow your heart as it knows the way to where your dreams can become your reality. 
Yes I can confirm that there will be quite a few curveballs your way but this is all part of a greater plan on your journey to become who you were always supposed to be and to create the life you desire and deserve. 
Don’t settle for a life others think you should be living. 
As always beautiful people and souls take care, stay safe and talk soon. 
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