Hello beautiful people and souls, 
I am delighted, excited, over the moon, you name it! 😂 
As a bonus, in addition to the Expert Profile Magazine I have a column in, my recent article has been handpicked by their editorial team for inclusion in the Summer edition of their brand-new Wellness Magazine they just launched, Expert Profile Wellness Magazine! 
To say this is a nice surprise is an understatement! 
My latest article is about the myths around hypnosis. As a true ambassador for hypnosis, I know hypnosis is a powerful therapeutic modality to create positive long lasting changes and debunking the myths around hypnosis is very important to me! 
Expert Profile Magazine is an international publication of personalities from the world of sport, television, film, media, and music sharing their insights to inspire and empower you. 
Available to read on the main airlines as well as in the most well known chain hotels. 
See the link to my article in my Bio. 
Keep working towards making your wildest dream your most amazing reality! 
As always take care, stay safe and talk soon. 
With much love as always, 
Nadija X 
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