Listen To My Interview On Trauma And Grief On the Conscious Living Show On Dublin City FM With My Amazing Host Liz Dillon
Posted on 24th September 2023 at 14:27
Hello beautiful people and souls,
Hope you’re all well wherever you are in the world.
I am delighted and honoured to have been a guest on the Conscious Living show with my amazing host Liz Dillon on Dublin City FM.
We talked about trauma, grief, hypnosis and how I help people as a certified grief educator and multi award winning trauma focused hypnotherapist.
This is a topic very close to my heart and I hope I was able to raise awareness.
Thanks again so much to Liz for inviting me on her wonderful show.
These are topics so close to my heart and I hope you enjoy this moment with us.
Feel free to share this post as you never know who needs to hear about it and remember sharing is caring!
Happy listening all and feel free to share your feedback. You know I always love to hear from you.
Have a smashing day all and as always take care, stay safe and talk soon.
With much love as always,
Nadija X

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