For years, I lived a life without feeling fulfilled. There was no real spark. I kept going convincing myself that I had all I need and that I should feel happy. But that was the issue, I just could not feel happy despite everything I tried to convince myself. 
After recovering from a severe illness, a shift happened and I could feel, just feel, deep inside that there was something more out there for me and that it was worth exploring. 
I met some wonderful people along the way and I remember a special lady who radically changed her life and inspired me. One day, I asked her how she managed to change her life in such a radical way and how she knew that what she chose was the right path for her. 
She told me something simple yet, for me at the time, radical: "You’re allowed to change your mind." 
Doing one thing is fantastic if that’s what you want and you’re happy. 
But if you have a hunch something else is out there, an inkling of a dream, another path you’re curious to explore? Life happens whether you do something or not, so you might as well do it. 
How do you know when you’ve found your calling? 
Maybe your calling isn’t something meant to be found. 
Your calling isn’t necessarily your career. Your calling is about sharing your gifts, shining your light so bright, and being of service to the world. 
Everyone has a calling and can find meaning in life regardless of socioeconomic status or political environs. 
When you let go of the pressure you put on yourself to find yourself, you are giving yourself permission to let go of the old beliefs about what you thought you wanted to do that may not be serving you anymore. You become more in tune with your natural state of awesome. 
In other words, not only are we allowed to change our minds, but we are also encouraged to do so. 
Hope this inspires someone today to understand that it is never too late to become who you were always supposed to become. 
As always beautiful people and souls take care, stay safe and talk soon. 
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