Just finished a great couple of days so training at Hogwarts, aka The Arthur Findlay College (Stansted Hall). 
What an incredible few days of learning new techniques and stretching our psychic and mediumistic abilities. 
It has been a great learning moment, not only as regards my mediumship but on a personal level. 
I am coming back home to Ireland with a new awareness. A shift has definitely happened. 
All this has even further convinced me of my project to focus on grief with my grief educator studies. 
And last, but not least, I am extremely grateful to have met some truly amazing people. 
Thank you all for making these past few days unforgettable. 
Beautiful people and souls, always be true to yourselves and always be true to yourselves. There is nothing more important than that. Follow toor heart, it definitely knows the way to the life you were always supposed to live. And by the way, it’s never too late! 
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