2023 Tallaght Holistic Fair
Posted on 29th January 2023 at 15:25
Hello beautiful people and souls,
Come and join me at this year’s Tallaght Holistic fair on Sunday 19th of February 2023 between 11 am and 7 pm at the Maldron Hotel.
My friend Laura Mazzucato reflexologist @laura_mazzucato.reflexology and myself will be exhibiting at this holistic fair and we can’t wait to meet you there, in person!
Thanks very much to the Mind Body Experience team @mindbodyexperience.events for organizing this.
Save the date and come and meet us there. There might also be some surprises on the day. 😉
Most of all we love meeting new people and sharing our passion with each of you. And if you already know us it have already worked with us come and say hi, we will be delighted to see you again!
All details on the Events section of my website and on the Dublin Mind Body Experience website.
As always beautiful people and souls take care, stay safe and talk soon!

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