Hello beautiful people and souls, 
Hope you’re all well wherever you are in the world! 
Every time I have been considering a change in my life, my brother would tell me that the key to move forward is to take action, small baby steps and inspired actions. 
He would always tell me that as soon as we start to take action, even if sometimes we feel uncomfortable, afraid, unsure, all that matters is to take action. And this is when the magic begins. 
Because as soon as you start to take action, you create motion and motion is the beginning of things happening, of things changing. 
So whatever you want to create, to attract, to change or manifest, start the day today by taking one small step, one small inspired action that will bring you closer to what you want to achieve! 
Hope this reminder helps someone today to start 
Take care all. 
With much love as always, 
Nadija X 
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